Sunday, March 22, 2009

Lauren D. Frank Mann

Lauren Doyle

Frank Mann

On an anxious Thursday, myself and well known artist, Frank Mann, met each other for the first time. After a quick introductory into my world, technique, and current series, Frank Mann and I discussed several art pieces that I created. “Standard Scenario, And Those Moments, Persistence on Your Tongue, Lost Signal, and Mail Order Wife,” were discussed and critiqued. In “Mail Order Wife,” Mann shared his thoughts and immediate reactions. He said, “I can see into their lives and backgrounds. It definitely speaks well to the audience.” Hearing that from Frank Mann gave me chills and excitement. Knowing that a man of such experience enjoyed my work and actually heard my voice through the images was a great experience. 

  Mann also mentioned playing with perspective in the foreground rather than only in the background. This would change the dimensions and feeling of the pieces. He gave many comments about the series and technique of the use of paint. Mann recommended artists, Larry Rivers and Edvard Munch. Similar qualities and textures were used between both artists and techniques. 

Overall, the experience of chatting with Frank Mann did not last long enough. Before I knew it, the thirty minutes was over. Yet, after my time with Frank Mann, I left with great ideas and knowledge of how far success can lead you. 


  1. I am interested how you will play into the forground on your recent piece in the kitchen (at least I'm pretty sure it is a kitchen) I also agree the experience meeting Frank Mann wasn't long enough.

  2. Good comments. What did you think of Rivers and Munch?

  3. That's cool how he picked up on what you are doing. Frank Mann is the Mann!!!!!
