Thursday, March 19, 2009

Individual Studio/Professional Practices Writing Assignments

ARTA260G: Individual Studio/Professional Practices Spring 2009

Writing Assignments (WA), and Response Papers (RP) to date_4-5-09
(Refer to hand outs, emails, class discussion notes, SB/VD, and your own research for key names and facts)
* Major Assignments

Post all assignments to Post WA by due dates and RP a.s.a.p. after the event. Note: Use the assignment titles below to label your posts preceded by your name. Be sure to read each others stuff and post comments (participation!). I'll update you as items are added, so check your NCC email often.

1. Peer Critique & B. Self Critique: Self-Portrait & Personal Belief System works

2. RP: Altered & Assembled exhibition, Lafayette College_Jan_09

3. WA: IS-PP Proposal_Jan_09

4. * WA: Visual Culture Paper_theme & presentations:_Feb-09

5. RP: Banana Factory, Rachel Akers, Visual Arts & Education Coordinator_2-23-09

6. RP: Frank Mann_Individual Critique, Artist Talk_3-5-09

7. * RP: NYC Trip: Behind the Scenes of the Contemporary Art World_3-6-09

8. RP: Jenny Hotzer – Public Art, Allentown Art Museum visit:_3-25-09

9. RP: Five Artists from the ASA-NYC Art Trip, 3-27-09

10. RP: Emil Lukas*, Artist’s Talk, Connexions Gallery, Easton, 5-3-09, 2PM_(*extra credit post)

11*. WA: Thesis Paper on own artwork, semester events and experiences_Wednesday, 5-7-09

12. * Portfolio Presentation: In-Class Artist Talk, PowerPoint illustrating artwork, ideas, and reactions to the semester._Wednesday, 5-7-09

13. * Group Artist Talk: PowerPoint Presentation with Visuals/Writing excerpts, Q&A_ 4-30-09_3:30 – 4:30 PM_(completed)

Village People

Irasibles history...

Subway Art Gallery Opening

Clever concept of a subway gallery show in Chelsea. Check it out:

...The NEWEST Irasibles

Hello Everyone

Hello Everyone,
Yes, the ArtNowNCC blog is born...

This is the place where ARTA260G: Individual Studio/Professional Practices folks will discuss the events of the semester – posting writing assignments, pictures, critiques, and comments on what your up to with your artwork. This should make things more spontaneous and facilitate better communication with each other and with me. See you "here" soon!